Our Thoughts on Modern Configuration and Secrets Management

4 Ways CloudTruth Eliminates Deployment Failures

Written by Greg Arnette | Dec 2, 2022 4:04:53 PM

Issues can arise at every phase of the application development lifecycle, from development to deployment and every step in between. It’s essential to rectify deployment problems before they cause unplanned downtime or security incidents. But with infrastructure and application configurations becoming increasingly complex, ensuring reliable, resilient application deployments is often easier said than done.

That’s why we started CloudTruth - to empower development teams to increase their application deployment velocity, strengthen their security posture, and eliminate configuration repetition. 

Here are four ways CloudTruth helps eliminate deployment failures. Ultimately, you’ll see how our platform is a game-changer for engineering teams that need to test and deploy reliably and on schedule.

#1: Mitigate Configuration Sprawl

As your organization grows with increasingly more apps and environments to deploy to, you will undoubtedly need new tools to manage the growth. But with every added environment having its own configuration needs, it quickly becomes difficult to achieve a top-down, high-level view of how applications, pipelines, and infrastructure interact with one another. Without this view, configuration sprawl is all but inevitable.

CloudTruth was built to tame configuration sprawl and, in turn, increase deployment velocity. Through the CloudTruth control plane, you can compare environments side-by-side to spot differences quickly and solve configuration issues faster. With a versioned history of all environment changes stored in a centralized repository, developers can easily roll back configurations and demonstrate compliance when audits occur. 

Being able to implement a Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) approach for parameters and secrets means that you only have to define parameters once. Set values per environment and inherit or customize configurations with trackable overrides. In short, CloudTruth helps you start to untangle the configuration complexity mess.

Starting on the path to taming configuration sprawl begins when you rely on solutions that simplify and streamline business operations wherever possible. CloudTruth accomplishes this and more to deliver reliable and resilient deploys.

#2: Collaborative Configuration Management

Application development looks much different today than it did a few years ago. The emergence of microservices, Kubernetes, GitOps, and serverless application models has led to configuration becoming increasingly distributed, decentralized, and pushed to the edge. To account for the rise of these new tools and solutions, the market requires collaborative configuration management.

Identifying the need for a platform that unites DevOps and engineers for harmonious workflows, CloudTruth built our configuration control management plan to deliver a single view of truth across the cloud. Our centralized configuration data hub makes configuration settings understandable to all teams within an organization, which mitigates misconfigurations and builds confidence in correctly provisioning new releases.

When access control isn’t an issue and teams can quickly and effectively troubleshoot configuration issues in minutes, not hours, deployment failures are all but negated. Over time, the CloudTruth platform automates the prevention of configuration errors as analytics and machine learning technologies layered on top of the configuration database identify system-tuning best practices.

CloudTruth enables you to increase continuous deployment velocity with a self-service app config platform that unites teams around a single source of configuration truth.

#3: Work From a Centralized Source of Truth

CloudTruth gives a globally available abstracted single record of configuration truth across infrastructure, apps, and secrets. Why is this important? A consolidated view of configurations across all cloud systems acts as the glue for teams that are now working independently from one another. DevOps teams today don’t want to rely on the oral tradition of passing information from senior team members to new hires. Our system ensures teams benefit from the learnings of other teams, all through a digital environment.

While smaller organizations may be able to get by with in-house configuration sprawl mitigation tools to manage the application lifecycle, companies that are quickly scaling and implementing new technologies need a solution like CloudTruth to keep critical systems updated and configured correctly. By building visibility and coordination across the wide range of cloud tools your teams use, we make it easier for DevOps, engineers, and all stakeholders to coordinate and collaborate effortlessly.

A centralized source of configuration truth is the glue your teams need to work harmoniously together and ensure deploys are misconfiguration-free.

#4: Gain New Configuration Superpowers

Naturally, you already have a lot of existing IaC, CICD, and secret store tools in place. Replacing them all for something new would be a cumbersome and time-consuming process. Since your teams are likely busy enough, you need configuration solutions that build on your existing tech stack instead of dismantling it.

With CloudTruth, you can preserve your initial configuration investments and unlock new configuration superpowers that maximize the full potential of your teams. By supercharging your existing CICD pipeline tools, we optimize your IaC processes to reduce misconfiguration errors and streamline deployments significantly. Through our platform, you can fetch secrets and parameters from Git repos, Terraform state files, AWS Secret Manager, SSM Parameter Store Secure String, Azure Key Vault (AKV), and others. This enables you to inject secrets at the optimal point in the build, deploy, and run-time workflows.

Leveling up your application deployment processes doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch. CloudTruth integrates with the tools you’re already using so that your teams’ workflows aren’t disrupted, and deployments continue to go off without a hitch.

Ready to Conquer Cloud Configuration Complexity?

Getting a top-down, high-level view of how your system is configured and how it can be efficiently modified over time is easier said than done. Combatting misconfiguration issues requires you to implement tools that enable effortless scaling and quicker problem-solving.

Tools like CloudTruth.

Our platform unifies access and visibility into your organization’s infrastructure, application, and secrets configuration data. By leveraging CloudTruth’s API, CLI, and GUI, companies can manage their parameters, templates, environment variables, and secrets from one central location. Best of all, CloudTruth works to strengthen your existing tools and systems, meaning you won’t have to start your tech stack from scratch when you work with us.

Software developers and CloudOps teams rely on CloudTruth to ensure uptime, security, and team velocity. Learn more about our solutions or register for a free demo to see what CloudTruth can unlock for your teams.