Our Thoughts on Modern Configuration and Secrets Management

Rotate Secrets Quickly with Centralized Config | CloudTruth

Written by Greg Arnette | Feb 6, 2023 9:17:14 PM

A production data password just leaked into a log file. The "we must rotate secrets quickly" countdown timer begins!

Cybersecurity is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. Unfortunately, when a security incident does occur, a misconfiguration is the leading contributing factor 75% of the time. In a security breach, it's essential to rotate secrets quickly and confidently—centralized config to the rescue. 

DevOps teams can rely on centralized configuration management to help manage the collective stress of a security breach. Centralized secrets management makes it easy to locate and update configuration data because platform engineers can reference all parameters and secrets from one API, CLI, or GUI endpoint, regardless of where the secret data is stored (Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, Git repos, etc.)

Having a standardized way of accessing all secrets makes it simple to rotate them quickly, minimizing the impact of a security breach. A simple and reliable toolchain makes a significant difference in responding to security incidents effectively and efficiently.

In addition to helping DevOps teams respond to security incidents, centralized configuration management is essential for ensuring that the systems remain in a good security posture. The CISO will need an audit trail report of all secrets rotated to ensure that all systems are secure. Centralized config management makes generating a secrets rotation report easy.

The 7-Factor Config principles call for a standardized method of managing secrets. Centralized configuration management enforces standards with a consistent process for managing secrets, which contributes to maintaining a good security posture. Rotating secrets quickly is only possible with centralized config.