Our Thoughts on Modern Configuration and Secrets Management

Why I Joined CloudTruth

Written by Dave Dozier | Nov 17, 2022 8:09:41 PM

Before joining CloudTruth, as the Senior Customer Success Engineer, I was on a promising software engineer path with another company. Unfortunately, due to layoffs, I found myself moving on to the next opportunity. I figured my next job would continue my software development career. Then I saw the openings at CloudTruth. I had encountered CloudTruth previously in my quest to find a secrets management solution at my previous company.

Initially, I wasn't seeing the potential of choosing a divergent career path until I spoke with CEO Christian Tate, whom I knew from a previous company. I had tunnel vision toward making my software engineering career happen, so we discussed engineering opportunities. Then Christian explained how my career arc fits with CloudTruth's vision of Customer Success. Whoa! Was I wrong about continuing as a software developer? Had I been on a customer success track all along? Time will tell.

Taking a step back and seeing it for myself proved him correct! Currently, customer success at CloudTruth requires all the technical knowledge I have built up over the years and then some. This position requires the employment of my entire skill set, from customer service to software development.

Finally, as I moved through CloudTruth's interview process, I met a fantastic set of people whom I quickly learned were focused on the same mission to provide an outstanding product and reduce deployment friction within the SDLC. Speaking with each subsequent interviewer reinforced my desire to work at CloudTruth. As with most companies at this stage, there are tons of opportunities, and the chance to be the one to help shape what CloudTruth's Customer Success team becomes was an opportunity not to miss!

"The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades." - Timbuk 3