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GitLab CICD DevOps

Supercharge Git Workflows
Increase Speed of DevOps Tooling
Secrets and Config Engine Works with All DevOp CICD Pipelines, Git Repositories, & Unleash New Level of DevOps Automation



Print Templated Config at all Pipeline Stages with Push Button Simplicity

  • Use CloudTruth's open-source clients to format config for any CI CD process, including GitLab
  • Inject secrets and config into git GitLab CI/CD 
  • No more manually editing YAML files

More Than CD Pipeline Config Management

We provide a centralized configuration platform for all your parameters, secrets, and environment variables. Benefit from team-wide access, an audited version history, and a single API, CLI, and GUI to easily reference all your config data from tools such as Terraform, GitHub, GitLab CI CD, AWS Secrets Manager, and others.

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Start simplifying your cloud configuration today and see what CloudTruth can do for you.

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